This is IT SPY! (IT Student Project of the Year)
An elite IT competition, evaluating diploma projects of university students.
diploma theses
participating universities
Professional recognition and €2,000 for project development.
The main reason to enter the IT SPY competition is to win the prestigious title of finalist. All finalists will receive small gifts from Profinit, a certificate of participation in the final round of the competition, and a presentation of their work in the Gallery of the best on the competition website.
Thanks to IT SPY, successful students often find themselves on the radar of world-renowned technology and IT companies. In previous years, many exceptional works were entered in the competition, the architects of which today hold important professional positions in the corporate sphere as well as in academia, where they devote themselves to scientific work or are establishing or running their own startups.

IT SPY 2024 Grand Prize
The IT SPY 2024 Grand Prize winner will receive an award of € 2,000 from Profinit, which they can use, for example, for further development of their diploma project. The supervisor of the winning work receives € 200, as a thank you for the good preparation of their student.
Magenta Award for Excellence in IT
The main partner of IT SPY, T-mobile, decided to award this prize for excellent work in the field of IT based on its own criteria. The winner receives MacBook Air 13.
Raiffeisenbank AI Prize
The main partner of the IT SPY competition, the company Raiffeisenbank, decided to award this prize to work with a unique basic idea, taking into account its applicability in the financial sector and its social contribution. The winner will receive the latest iPhone model.
The GOPAS prize for the top three finalists
The top three finalists will receive a CZK 1,000 voucher for the training of their choice, from GOPAS.
Public’s Choice Award
The Public’s Choice prize is awarded to one of the competition finalists based on a public vote on the competition website. The winner will receive Apple AirPods.
Only a thesis that has been successfully defended in the current academic year can be entered into the competition (no later than 13 September 2024).
The faculty will nominate up to 10 best theses that meet the required requirements, and the number of nominated theses must not exceed 10% of all second degree graduates in computer science and information technology.
Dates 2025
Panel members
Evaluation of theses
Several dozens of panel members from Czech and Slovak universities and the leading Czech IT company Profinit participate in evaluation of theses.
Evaluation is in particular focused on the following:
The research aspect
Whether the thesis offers new methods, models and algorithms or whether it improves existing ones
The aspect of evaluation of the solution
Verifies the created solution (usually an experimental one) – a superb thesis should include proof of the proposed solution
The implementation aspect
It implements the existing methods, models and algorithms or improves their implementation
The research aspect
The student is aware of the existing solution for the given issued – a necessary condition for a superb thesis